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DescrizzionAshjian family, killed in Armenian genocide 1915.jpg
English: A family killed in the Armenian Genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & daughters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam.
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de organizzà de noeuv – de adatà el lavorà
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spartiss con di alter persone a l'istessa manera. – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you must distribute the resulting work under the same license as the original.
Sgionta una spiegazzion curta de cosa l'è che quell fail chì el rapresenta.
The Ashjian family, all killed in 1915 in the Armenian Genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & their daughters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam in a photo from 1908 or 1910
Le familia Ashjian, omnes occidite in 1915 in le Genocidio Armenie: Takvor Ashjian, su sposa Yeghisapet, e lor 3 filias Eugenie, Hamaspur, & Mariam in un photo de 1908 o 1910
The Ashjian faimily, aw killt in 1915 in the Armenie Genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & their dochters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam in a photae frae 1908 or 1910
Los Ashjian, todos asesinados en 1915 en el genocidio armenio: Takvor Ashjian, su esposa Yeghisapet, y las tres hijas Eugenie, Hamaspur, & Mariam (foto c. 1909)
Os Ashjians, todos assassinados em 1915 no genocídio armênio: Takvor Ashjian, sua esposa Yeghisapet e três filhas Eugenie, Hamaspur e Mariam (foto c. 1909)
{{Information |Description=A family killed in the Armenian genocide: Takvor & Yeghisapet Ashjian & daughters Eugenie, Hamaspur & Mariam. A note on the back by Takvor's niece Makrouhie (the mother of en:Marjorie Housepian Dobkin & en:Edgar Housepian) identifies them and says the photo was taken in 1908 or 1910; note is also on wiki commons as "File:Ashjian family, killed in Armenian genocide 1915 (back of photo).jpg" |Source=own work, copy of family photo I have |Date=July 22 2019 |...
A gh'è minga de pagine che doperen quell fail chì.
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