Nazion celtege
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I nazion celtege i è dei territore, ind l'Europa ocidentala, indove i lengue celtege o i trats celtig i g'è anc'mò a'l dé d'incœ.[1]

I ses territore qe i è considerads nazion celtege i è: Bretagna (Breizh), Cornvalia (Kernow), Galles (Cymru), Scozia (Alba), Irlanda (Éire) e l'Isola de Man (Mannin o Ellan Vannin).[1][2] In tœte i ses nazion l'è parlada una lengua celtega.[3]
I ses nazion
ModifegaOl nœmer total dei persone qe i viv ind i nazion celtige l'è 19 596 000 e, de qests, qei qe i è bon de parlar la so lengua celtega i è 2 818 000, ol 14.3%.
Nazion | Nom celteg | Lengua celtega | Popol | Popolazion | Parlador | % de la popolazion |
Irlanda[4] | Éire | Irlandes (Gaeilge) |
Irlandes (Éireannaigh, Gaeil) |
6,399,115 (ROI 4 588 252, NI 1 810 863)[5] | 1 944 353 total: - Irlanda: 1 904 958 (ROI 1 774 437, NI 130 521)[6][7] - Stats Unids: 30,000 - Canada: 7,500 - Australia: 1,895 |
29.7% (ROI 38.6%, NI 7.2%) |
Scozia | Alba | Gaelig Scozes (Gàidhlig) |
Scozes (Albannaich) |
5 313 600 | 92 400[8] | 1.2%[9] |
Bretagna | Breizh | Breton (brezhoneg) |
Breton (Breizhiz) |
4 300 000 | 206 000[10] | 5%[10] |
Galles | Cymru | Galles (Cymraeg) |
Galles (Cymry) |
3 000 000 | 750 000+ total: - Galles: 611,000[11] - Ingilterra: 150 000 [12] - Arjentina: 5 000[13] - Stats Unids: 2 500 [14] - Canada: 2 200 [15] |
21.7%[16] |
Cornovalia | Kernow | Cornovaies (Kernowek) |
Cornvaies (Kernowyon) |
500 000 | 2 000[17] | 0.1%[18][19] |
Isola de Man | Mannin Ellan Vannin |
Manx (Gaelg) |
Manes (Manninee) |
84 497[20] | 1,662[20] | 2.0%[20] |
(Lombard) |
Irlandes (Gaeilge) |
Gaelig Scozes (Gàidhlig) |
Manx (Gaelg) |
Galles (Cymraeg) |
Cornovaies[21] (Kernowek) |
Breton (Brezhoneg) |
Irlanda | Éire | Èirinn | Nerin | Iwerddon | Wordhen Iwerdhon |
Iwerzhon |
Scozia | Albain | Alba | Nalbin | yr Alban | Alban | Bro-Skos Skos Alban |
Mann Isola de Man |
Manainn Oileán Mhanann |
Manainn Eilean Mhanainn |
Mannin Ellan Vannin |
Manaw Ynys Manaw |
Manow Enys Vanow |
Manav Enez-Vanav |
Galles | an Bhreatain Bheag | a' Chuimrigh | Bretin | Cymru | Kembra | Kembre |
Cornvalia | Corn na Breataine | a' Chòrn | yn Chorn | Cernyw | Kernow | Kernev-Veur |
Bretagna | an Bhriotáin | a' Bhreatainn Bheag | yn Vritaan | Llydaw | Breten Vian | Breizh |
Gran Bretagna | an Bhreatain Mhór | Breatainn Mhòr | Bretin Vooar | Prydain Fawr | Breten Veur | Breizh-Veur |
Nazion celtega |
náisiúin Cheilteacha |
nàiseanan Ceilteach |
ashoonyn Celtiagh |
gwledydd Celtaidd |
broyow keltek |
broioù keltiek |
Lengue celtege |
teangacha Ceilteacha |
cànanan Cheilteach |
çhengaghyn Celtiagh |
ieithoedd Celtaidd |
yethow keltek |
yezhoù keltiek |
Modifega- ↑ 1,0 1,1 (EN) Koch, John (2005). Celtic Culture : A Historical Encyclopedia. ABL-CIO, xx, 300, 421, 495, 512, 583, 985. ISBN 978-1-85109-440-0.
- ↑ (EN) Constitition of the League.
- ↑ (EN) Koch, John T. (2006). Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO, 365.
- ↑ La bandera de la republica irlandesa l'è dovrada da la Lega Celtega per rapresentar l'Irlanda, anc se l'è mìa recognossida da tœts come bandera de l'intera isola.
- ↑ (EN) The 2011 population of the Republic of Ireland was 4,588,252 and that of Northern Ireland in 2011 was 1,810,863. These are Census data from the official governmental statistics agencies in the respective jurisdictions:
- Central Statistics Office, Dublin
- Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (2008). Population and Migration Estimates Northern Ireland (2008). Department of Finance and Personnel.
- ↑ (EN) Central Statistics Office Ireland.
- ↑ The figure for Northern Ireland from the 2001 Census is somewhat ambiguous, as it covers people who have "some knowledge of Irish". Out of the 167,487 people who claimed to have "some knowledge", 36,479 of them could understand it when spoken, but couldn't speak it themselves.
- ↑ (EN) Mixed report on Gaelic language. BBC News (2005-10-10).
- ↑ (EN) Kenneth MacKinnon (2003). Census 2001 Scotland: Gaelic Language - first results.
- ↑ 10,0 10,1 (FR) Données clés sur Breton, Ofis ar Brezhoneg
- ↑ (EN) 2004 Welsh Language Use Survey: the report - Welsh Language Board.
- ↑ (EN) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Refworld | World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - United Kingdom : Welsh. UNHCR.
- ↑ (EN) Wales and Argentina. website. Welsh Assembly Government (2008).
- ↑ (EN) Table 1. Detailed Languages Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over for the United States: 2006-2008 Release Date: April, 2010 (xls). United States Census Bureau.
- ↑ 2006 Census of Canada: Topic based tabulations: Various Languages Spoken (147), Age Groups (17A) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data. Statistics Canada (7 December 2010).
- ↑ (EN) Publication of the report on the 2004 Welsh Language Use Survey. Welsh Language Board website An increase from the 2001 census results: 582,368 persons age 3 and over were able to speak Welsh - 20.8% of the population.. Welsh Language Board (8 May 2006).
- ↑ (EN) 'South West:TeachingEnglish:British Council:BBC. BBC/British Council website. BBC (2010).
- ↑ - On being a Cornish ‘Celt’: changing Celtic heritage and traditions Arqiviad qé: [1] webarchive webarchive Arqiviad qé: [2] 18 December 2008
- ↑ (EN) Effectively extinct as a spoken language in 1777. Language revived from 1904, though a tiny 0.1% percent is able to hold a limited conversion in Cornish.
- ↑ 20,0 20,1 20,2 (EN) Isle of Man Census 2011. Isle of Man Government.
- ↑ (EN) An English-Cornish Glossary in the Standard Written Form.