*Only starting the page. --clamengh 11:40, 16 December 2006 (UTC)

  • Hi all, I draw some outlines in English.--clamengh 15:31, 20 December 2006 (UTC)

  • Sitenotice: something like here in meta (a counter would be useful as well, maybe within a separate page. However I am afraid that donations originated from the LMO pages would be of a little bit lower amount. But this does not really matter: they would be valuable donations as well): Added: the close feature for the sitenotice could prove to be very useful!

  • Then, we should adapt this page to the local framework (CH and ITA):

Deductibility of donations

United States Modifega

Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.

The Wikimedia Foundation Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, is registered as a charitable organization with the State of Florida's Division of Consumer Services, a division of the State of Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and may lawfully solicit donations under Florida law. The Foundation has been granted official tax exempt status (section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) from the United States Internal Revenue Service. Tax-exempt status was granted in April 2005 and is retroactive back to the date of creation of the Foundation: June 20, 2003. You may deduct donations from your federally-taxable income. Please contact a tax professional for the details of deducting such a donation.

Scan of 501(c)3 status letter Our tax ID# is: 20-0049703

Other countries Modifega

Donations made to some of the local Wikimedia chapters are tax-deductible in those countries (please see their websites for more information).

Local chapters are self-dependent organizations that share the goals of the Wikimedia Foundation and support them within a specified geographical region. They support the Wikimedia Foundation, the Wikimedia community and the Wikimedia projects in different ways - by collecting donations, organizing local events and projects and spreading the word of Wikimedia, Free Content and Wiki culture. They also provide the community and potential partners with a point of contact capable of fulfilling specific local needs.

Germany Modifega

Der Verein Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V. wurde im Juni 2004 als weltweit erste Wikimedia-Sektion gegründet und engagiert sich seitdem intensiv für die besonders in Deutschland populären Wikimedia-Projekte und Freies Wissen im Allgemeinen. Wikimedia Deutschland wurde vom Finanzamt als besonders förderungswürdig anerkannt, Spenden an den Verein können in Deutschland steuerlich geltend gemacht werden. Weitere Informationen zum Spenden und den Aktivitäten des Vereins finden Sie unter http://www.wikimedia.de/spenden/

Si vous payez des impôts en France et souhaitez déduire votre don, vous pouvez faire un don à l'association française Wikimedia France. (Attention: il s'agit d'une entité légale séparée de la Fondation Wikimedia)

  • The above sitenotice should link to a separate page where everybody could choose if he/she prefers to donate to the involved local chapters, to the wikimedia foundation itself or making any kind of proposals (i.e.: there could be people concerned about national chapters: this seems a legitimate view. Yet we have to face reality: nations do exist, and national chapters, if I understood correctly, deal with issues like legislation, taxation etc.). This page should be protected (this item to be further discussed: that's rather delicate).

To be discussed: should the above page be placed at meta or at LMO.WP? I don't know yet, so every kind of comment is welcome. Maybe meta is the right place, but at present I rather guess it, I am not able to think about any kind of rationale for this.
Structrure of the page:

  • [I had saved a GDFL wiki-pipe code which could be useful. Unfortunately I have to look it for, because I do not remember where I placed it. I go and seek --clamengh 15:18, 20 December 2006 (UTC) ]