Benvegnüü in sü la Wikipedia


Benvegnüü in sü la Wikipedia, l'enciclupedia libra che tücc i pòden jüdà a scriv. --Dragonòt 06:24, 11 Mag 2010 (UTC)

I haven't got the faintest idea which language this is... ;) Mathonius 14:10, 11 Mag 2010 (UTC)

A beautiful language that we speak in Lombardy. Best regards. --Aldedogn 14:58, 11 Mag 2010 (UTC)
Thanks! :) Cheers, Mathonius 19:11, 11 Mag 2010 (UTC)
I do not know if it's all that beautiful, but welcome all the same! :-) Welkom op Wikipedia van de Lombarden! :-)