Welcome to my talk page!
Hey! I am 1997kB. I patrol many projects, and where I don't know the language I only act in cases of serious vandalism. If you think I have done anything wrong, feel free to message me. For ease of communication and to keep conversations in one place, I prefer you leave me messages at my talk page on metawiki. If you don't like that you can leave me messages here too, but since I do not watch all of my talk pages, your message might not get a timely response. Thanks!

Ciau 1997kB, benvegnüü ins la Wikipedia lumbarda, l'enciciclupedia in Lumbard a cuntegnüü liber!

Bón laurà e bón divertiment da part da tücc i wikipedista.

Per cumincià la to culaburazión dagh un'ugiada, prima da tüt, al jüüt e anca a la pagina d'istrüzziún.
Regòrdass che:

Per firmà i tò intervent int i paginn da discüssión dupera la sequenza da quatar carater ~~~~

--Dragonòt (ciciarade) 14:13, 3 Agu 2018 (CEST)